The outer surface of the leaf has a waxy coating called a cuticle which protects the leaf. 叶子外表有一层像蜡一样的覆盖层,这个层被叫做表皮,是用来保护叶子的。
The outer most layer is called the cuticle and this is what protects the cortex. 外最层所谓的角质层,这是保护皮层。
This is because the outer cuticle layer of the hair fiber is broken and flaked. 这是因为角质层层外的头发纤维被破坏成片状。
The Si content in the middle-part of the cuticle is the highest, and that in outer or inner-part of the cuticle is slightly lower. 皮层中部的Si元素含量最高,外部及内部的Si元素含量稍低;
The epidermis cells of stem and leaf have comparatively thick outer wall and cuticle. 茎、叶表皮细胞都有较厚的外壁和角质层。
The outer wall of epidermal cells of stem and leaf has the thicker cuticle. 茎和叶的表皮细胞外壁还有角质层。
The cells of outer layer were almost 4 times larger than common cells and were covered with a heavy cuticle. 对网纹形成前后果皮解剖学观察发现,网纹甜瓜果实最外层细胞较一般细胞大,大约是第二层细胞的4倍,并且已经角质化。
The results show that, under the experimental conditions, the alkali stability of silicon in outer cuticle and in its neighboring fiber wall is lower, and that of the silicon in bundle sheath and in inner epidermis is very high. 结果表明,在碱法制浆过程中,麦秆外表面皮层及皮下纤维层中的Si对碱的稳定性较差,麦秆内部的维管束及内表皮层中Si的碱稳定性较高;